Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Day

The first day of school is a pain in the ass to everybody,
most everybody that is.
The morning is full of nerves because of the new environment you're changing over to after summer,
sadness because you no longer get to sleep in then spend the day at home with your family or friends doing whatever whenever,
stress because of all the paperwork, guiding yourself around the school to new classes, and possibly homework,
and more emotions that run through your mind throughout the day.
I for one check the clock every two minutes it feels, each time wishing the hand would swing around to 3 o'clock so I can go home.
Then there's the new students.
Ugh them.
Some of them shy, uncomfortable, sweet, etc.
But some of them are cocky and jump into the wrong crowd immediately.....those are the ones that piss me off.
All in all it's a hell hole the first day, and any day really, there's no need for me to sugar coat it. High school doesn't get 10x better as everyone tells you, (for those of you that aren't in high school yet) and basically you just have a little more freedom, people change, friends change, but you don't exactly become 'all that' not unless you make it happen someway somehow that is. So it's honestly pretty much like the other grades, minus the fact you get a bit more freedom, although with that comes the whole 'responsibility expectations.'
What really matters though, is making a name for yourself. The time to do that is really freshmen year.
If you want to be the badass, be a badass freshmen year.
If you want to be known as the sweet person, you're going to have to show that freshmen year.
No matter what, your high school life is made by YOU. It's your choice how people see you and how you make it out to be.
My best advice to anyone coming to high school, DO NOT MAKE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE GRADES & THE WORK. I know you want to do well, and you can but that doesn't mean you have to spend every minute in school and out working. DON'T OVERWHELM YOURSELF.
High school is all about creating yourself, defining who you are, so do just that. Have fun, do things, laugh, get in trouble some, because that matters a lot in the long run as well.

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