Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Don't Give Up

I logged into my twitter account to find that two of my idols had followed some fans and apart from being happy for those fellow directioners (fans of One Direction), I was feeling upset that yet again I didn't get a follow.
Now getting a follow isn't as stupid as it sounds. In my fandom getting a follow from our idols means alot to us. Once that idol is on, no matter any of the five guys, we jump into follow me mode. Meaning it's tweet after tweet of follow me's.
" Hello :) It would mean the world if you followed me! <3"

"dreams do come true right? A follow would mean everything to me, it'd two seconds ☺"

" Hii Liam! You probably won't see this tweet...:( but it would mean a world if you followed me! ilysm batman! xxx"

" hiii sunshine! a follow from you would make my life complete! you mean the world to me 😊😘I love you 🌸"

"heyyy 😋 x1 ¿PLEASE follow meee? It means the world!"

I mean of course we tweet them sweet things, jokes, ask them how they're doing, etc.
But tweeting them about a follow then actually getting a follow is what we all live for practically. 

Although tweeting them about a follow then not actually getting a follow is what we all get handed to us. It hurts. 
It hurts to try so hard so much to get noticed by your idol just to have a bunch of other people (some not even caring) get followed but not you. 
We love the fact that they get on so much and interact with us, 
Liam's follow sprees&ask Liams,
Niall's crazy mofos follow sprees,
Harry's dorky Vines and Instagram photos he works so much on,
Zayn's drawings that he loves sharing with us,
Louis' appreciation tweets.......,
but that doesn't hide the fact what we want most is for them to notice us individually even if it's just for a second to go on our account to click a button and make it blue.

Then again, what I want all of you to know, is that it will happen someday. If not today then tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, but it will happen.
You'll get that moment.
And although it's a pain in the ass to spend so much time tweeting for a follow and not getting one, don't give up because I promise you when you finally do get a follow, you'll be happy you continued.
We're all in this together, so don't keep yourself from helping others get a follow,
we are a family after all.

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