Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Being in a Fandom is Hard Work.

Being in a fandom is honestly hard work. People outside the 'circle' think it's all fun and parties and concerts but that's not true at all. Being in a fandom means being dedicated. 
It means going out and buying that new album or song.
It means voting all day, all night for continuous nights in a row so that you get to see your idol(s) with a huge grin on their face(s) as they get the award they earned. 
It means staying strong and getting through all the rumors, girlfriend rumors, death threats, hate, etc.
It means being there for your idol(s) at all costs. 
But it doesn't always mean that you get to go to concerts to party and dance all night to a song. There are those fans out there that don't get to do that, whether they can't afford tickets to a concert, there's not a concert in their area, whatever.
So to be that fan, 
that fan that is dedicated,
that fan that buys the new song even though they already illegally downloaded it, just to help out their idol(s),
that fan that votes day in, day out to get their idol(s) to number 1,
that fan that at least attempts to stay strong even when they feel like dying inside because of whatever drama,
that fan that is there for their idol(s) 24/7,
but still through all that doesn't get to go to a concert or meet their idol(s),
is hard.
It is shit eating hard.

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