Friday, August 30, 2013


    Boys boys boys.
They're all you think about when you get to be a certain age. And it sucks royally.
You think they're all so great and cute and you can't live without them. Then you get to be an even older age and you realize that's not completely true. Boys aren't all as they seem.
It's so hard to really know what is on their minds. So you end up spending so much time over thinking everything,
"He smiled at me, does that mean he likes me?!"
"It's been a minute already and he hasn't replied to my text. Oh my gosh he thinks I'm annoying."
"I wonder if he thinks about me at night when he can't sleep, probably not."
And it's all just shit crowding your brain making you upset for the stupidest reasons,
making you get your hopes up for the stupidest reasons,
convincing yourself to believe something that's not even true for the stupidest reasons...
Which brings up the cold, honest truth. Boys suck half the time.
Now I'm not saying all boys are like that, you just have to find the one that is a shiny red apple in a tree of rotten ones.
If you're having any sort of trouble with boys,
worrying about what one thinks of you,
thinking about the one you like 24/7,
over thinking every small detail,
getting your heart broken because he wasn't as he seemed,
whatever the case, I have one thing to say.
Don't worry about it. He's not worth it. 
Focus on something more important in your life and take a break from boys. Focus on your music, your education, your friends, your family, and don't worry about 'him.' Because in most cases, you get close to someone when you least expect it.
If you ask yourself, 'Why can't it be my time to have someone yet? Why don't I have to love me yet,' then just remember, God is saving you for someone special. Everything happens for a reason, and if it didn't work out with the guy you like, then it happened so you could be with someone much better.
Oh by the way,
Pick your head up Princess, your tiara is falling.

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