Friday, August 30, 2013

Funny Friday

    Enjoy a collection of funny pictures, gifs, vines, etc that I've found on the internet :)


    Boys boys boys.
They're all you think about when you get to be a certain age. And it sucks royally.
You think they're all so great and cute and you can't live without them. Then you get to be an even older age and you realize that's not completely true. Boys aren't all as they seem.
It's so hard to really know what is on their minds. So you end up spending so much time over thinking everything,
"He smiled at me, does that mean he likes me?!"
"It's been a minute already and he hasn't replied to my text. Oh my gosh he thinks I'm annoying."
"I wonder if he thinks about me at night when he can't sleep, probably not."
And it's all just shit crowding your brain making you upset for the stupidest reasons,
making you get your hopes up for the stupidest reasons,
convincing yourself to believe something that's not even true for the stupidest reasons...
Which brings up the cold, honest truth. Boys suck half the time.
Now I'm not saying all boys are like that, you just have to find the one that is a shiny red apple in a tree of rotten ones.
If you're having any sort of trouble with boys,
worrying about what one thinks of you,
thinking about the one you like 24/7,
over thinking every small detail,
getting your heart broken because he wasn't as he seemed,
whatever the case, I have one thing to say.
Don't worry about it. He's not worth it. 
Focus on something more important in your life and take a break from boys. Focus on your music, your education, your friends, your family, and don't worry about 'him.' Because in most cases, you get close to someone when you least expect it.
If you ask yourself, 'Why can't it be my time to have someone yet? Why don't I have to love me yet,' then just remember, God is saving you for someone special. Everything happens for a reason, and if it didn't work out with the guy you like, then it happened so you could be with someone much better.
Oh by the way,
Pick your head up Princess, your tiara is falling.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


    I hate the fact that when you expect something it doesn't happen, when you go looking for something it doesn't appear.
But the times you're least expecting something, no longer looking for something, that 'thing' happens to you, or you find it.
Like looking for socks in the clothes pile.
When you're desperately looking for them, you can't find anything, but later on as you're looking for the pants this time, you can't find those, but you come across tons of socks.
It's so frustrating.
What's so bad about it, is the fact that usually the thing you're expecting or looking for, is what really means something to you. Something you want, need. But you don't get that something. Maybe not because you were expecting it, but merely imagining it.
Then the things that don't matter to you as much, do happen. You didn't ever dream of it happening, but it does.
In my usual cases, it's when you like someone. Their smile, their voice, their personality, their ability to make you smile at ridiculous things. And you don't get to have that person. Because you want it. You imagine what it would be like with that person.
Sure maybe in the long run, getting with that person you least expected is great, you end up falling for them. That doesn't make it hurt any less in the present time though.
I think that's why a lot of people never admit to themselves that they like someone. They don't want the obvious truth to come to plate. They don't want to hope, dream, imagine, just for their wishes to be crushed by the unexpected.
In my book, everything happens for a reason. At that moment, it feels as though no reasoning could make it better. Who cares that all this is happening so something greater will come out of it 5 years from now?
Grasp the good times, the memories by the collar and hold on to them. You never know when the unimaginable will swing along and send those good feelings crashing to the floor. It doesn't hurt to grab the bull by the horns and take charge yourself, make what you hope and dream for become true. Maybe it's just that deep down you knew it wouldn't work out, so unexpectedly, it did.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Change My Mind

So I had first thought that the new kid that I have to sit with in school was cocky, a prick, and a douche like all the other guys in my school.
Maybe that's not the case though.
He actually seems pretty sweet now, when he talks that is. I asked him where he was from and how he liked it and he answered, we talked some, he stole my pen and was teasing me with it, which made me laugh.
So I've come to a conclusion that while he may still be a douche for laughing at the prep girl's ridiculously stupid 'dumb cute' act, he is nice.
And as much as I hate to admit it,
his smile is to die for.
Moral of my post today: Give people chances. If it's hard for you to trust someone, give them 3 strikes. If they mess up majorly 3 times that you talk to them/meet them, then it's okay not to trust them/like/respect them. But otherwise, don't judge someone too harshly on first impressions.
I know first impressions are important and all, but they're not always true. There could be any amount of reasons for this, nervousness, being uncomfortable, scared, whatever.
So take some time before you set your foot down on what you think of a person and how you classify them.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Day

The first day of school is a pain in the ass to everybody,
most everybody that is.
The morning is full of nerves because of the new environment you're changing over to after summer,
sadness because you no longer get to sleep in then spend the day at home with your family or friends doing whatever whenever,
stress because of all the paperwork, guiding yourself around the school to new classes, and possibly homework,
and more emotions that run through your mind throughout the day.
I for one check the clock every two minutes it feels, each time wishing the hand would swing around to 3 o'clock so I can go home.
Then there's the new students.
Ugh them.
Some of them shy, uncomfortable, sweet, etc.
But some of them are cocky and jump into the wrong crowd immediately.....those are the ones that piss me off.
All in all it's a hell hole the first day, and any day really, there's no need for me to sugar coat it. High school doesn't get 10x better as everyone tells you, (for those of you that aren't in high school yet) and basically you just have a little more freedom, people change, friends change, but you don't exactly become 'all that' not unless you make it happen someway somehow that is. So it's honestly pretty much like the other grades, minus the fact you get a bit more freedom, although with that comes the whole 'responsibility expectations.'
What really matters though, is making a name for yourself. The time to do that is really freshmen year.
If you want to be the badass, be a badass freshmen year.
If you want to be known as the sweet person, you're going to have to show that freshmen year.
No matter what, your high school life is made by YOU. It's your choice how people see you and how you make it out to be.
My best advice to anyone coming to high school, DO NOT MAKE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE GRADES & THE WORK. I know you want to do well, and you can but that doesn't mean you have to spend every minute in school and out working. DON'T OVERWHELM YOURSELF.
High school is all about creating yourself, defining who you are, so do just that. Have fun, do things, laugh, get in trouble some, because that matters a lot in the long run as well.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

School Ew

Ugh school tomorrow. The dreaded day I go back to the hell hole where teachers think we're actually learning useful information and other students judge you for the slightest imperfection you have.
For me that means judging the band I listen to, One Direction,
the clothes I wear, or at least want to wear but never do in fear of getting made fun of,
the classes I'm in, or not in, aka AP classes that I don't take because I actually want to enjoy my life,
and so much more.
It's sad really the amount of hate, drama, judgement, back stabbing, etc that is in schools. 
And people wonder why I don't want to go back. 

Don't Give Up

I logged into my twitter account to find that two of my idols had followed some fans and apart from being happy for those fellow directioners (fans of One Direction), I was feeling upset that yet again I didn't get a follow.
Now getting a follow isn't as stupid as it sounds. In my fandom getting a follow from our idols means alot to us. Once that idol is on, no matter any of the five guys, we jump into follow me mode. Meaning it's tweet after tweet of follow me's.
" Hello :) It would mean the world if you followed me! <3"

"dreams do come true right? A follow would mean everything to me, it'd two seconds ☺"

" Hii Liam! You probably won't see this tweet...:( but it would mean a world if you followed me! ilysm batman! xxx"

" hiii sunshine! a follow from you would make my life complete! you mean the world to me 😊😘I love you 🌸"

"heyyy 😋 x1 ¿PLEASE follow meee? It means the world!"

I mean of course we tweet them sweet things, jokes, ask them how they're doing, etc.
But tweeting them about a follow then actually getting a follow is what we all live for practically. 

Although tweeting them about a follow then not actually getting a follow is what we all get handed to us. It hurts. 
It hurts to try so hard so much to get noticed by your idol just to have a bunch of other people (some not even caring) get followed but not you. 
We love the fact that they get on so much and interact with us, 
Liam's follow sprees&ask Liams,
Niall's crazy mofos follow sprees,
Harry's dorky Vines and Instagram photos he works so much on,
Zayn's drawings that he loves sharing with us,
Louis' appreciation tweets.......,
but that doesn't hide the fact what we want most is for them to notice us individually even if it's just for a second to go on our account to click a button and make it blue.

Then again, what I want all of you to know, is that it will happen someday. If not today then tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, but it will happen.
You'll get that moment.
And although it's a pain in the ass to spend so much time tweeting for a follow and not getting one, don't give up because I promise you when you finally do get a follow, you'll be happy you continued.
We're all in this together, so don't keep yourself from helping others get a follow,
we are a family after all.

Being in a Fandom is Hard Work.

Being in a fandom is honestly hard work. People outside the 'circle' think it's all fun and parties and concerts but that's not true at all. Being in a fandom means being dedicated. 
It means going out and buying that new album or song.
It means voting all day, all night for continuous nights in a row so that you get to see your idol(s) with a huge grin on their face(s) as they get the award they earned. 
It means staying strong and getting through all the rumors, girlfriend rumors, death threats, hate, etc.
It means being there for your idol(s) at all costs. 
But it doesn't always mean that you get to go to concerts to party and dance all night to a song. There are those fans out there that don't get to do that, whether they can't afford tickets to a concert, there's not a concert in their area, whatever.
So to be that fan, 
that fan that is dedicated,
that fan that buys the new song even though they already illegally downloaded it, just to help out their idol(s),
that fan that votes day in, day out to get their idol(s) to number 1,
that fan that at least attempts to stay strong even when they feel like dying inside because of whatever drama,
that fan that is there for their idol(s) 24/7,
but still through all that doesn't get to go to a concert or meet their idol(s),
is hard.
It is shit eating hard.