Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm That Girl

I'm that girl that goes to school or out in public and has a smile on her face. I am nice to everyone, I talk to people, I'm friendly. I laugh at jokes with my friends and I'm super carefree. I help people with their problems. I act like nothing is going on even when something is. All in all, I'm happy and smiles in public, most of the time it is carefree, yes.
But then I get home. I get home and I'm stressed. Of course, a lot of the time I'm talking with my family and laughing at something cute my nephew does. But there's also a lot of time spent with a frown on my face. My problem is that I think too much. So I'll be sitting there, stressed out, and all these thoughts are running through my mind. Eventually it all becomes too much to take.
Because I bottle up all my emotions and rarely let anyone see what I'm truly feeling, all that stuff that becomes too much just gets to me. It ends up making me break down-literally. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I bawl. Sometimes I just become emotionless and monotone.
No one knows that though. Of course my family knows somethings up, but they either don't question it, or I tell them I'm fine.
People at school have no idea. They think I have the perfect life, perfect parents, but that's not true.
I just need that one person that I can talk to, that will realize I'm upset and and ask me about it. And genuinely listen.
Now I know I can be quite over dramatic about this stuff, but it's all true, it's all serious.
And it's all someday going to rip me apart until I'm a black hole of nothingness and I'm going to trust no one, open up to no one. It already seems that way now though.
All because I'm that girl.

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