Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reach For The Stars

    One day you get to that moment where you realize if you truly want something, you gotta go for it. You honestly have to work your ass off and achieve what you wish. If not, you get nothing, you fail without even trying.
But actually getting the momentum and drive to work for what you want is a hard first step. It's hard figuring out what to do first in order to succeed. The only thing I can say is, take a leap and try something, anything. If that thing fails, move on to something else. But remember to not give up searching for possibilities until you 100 % have absolutely no other choice.
I promise something good will come of you breaking your back getting what you wish for.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm That Girl

I'm that girl that goes to school or out in public and has a smile on her face. I am nice to everyone, I talk to people, I'm friendly. I laugh at jokes with my friends and I'm super carefree. I help people with their problems. I act like nothing is going on even when something is. All in all, I'm happy and smiles in public, most of the time it is carefree, yes.
But then I get home. I get home and I'm stressed. Of course, a lot of the time I'm talking with my family and laughing at something cute my nephew does. But there's also a lot of time spent with a frown on my face. My problem is that I think too much. So I'll be sitting there, stressed out, and all these thoughts are running through my mind. Eventually it all becomes too much to take.
Because I bottle up all my emotions and rarely let anyone see what I'm truly feeling, all that stuff that becomes too much just gets to me. It ends up making me break down-literally. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I bawl. Sometimes I just become emotionless and monotone.
No one knows that though. Of course my family knows somethings up, but they either don't question it, or I tell them I'm fine.
People at school have no idea. They think I have the perfect life, perfect parents, but that's not true.
I just need that one person that I can talk to, that will realize I'm upset and and ask me about it. And genuinely listen.
Now I know I can be quite over dramatic about this stuff, but it's all true, it's all serious.
And it's all someday going to rip me apart until I'm a black hole of nothingness and I'm going to trust no one, open up to no one. It already seems that way now though.
All because I'm that girl.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I act mean and tough on the outside because I’ve been hurt so many times and I don’t want to be hurt again. So I pretend to be this way so no one will mess with me and I can ‘stand up for myself.’ But in reality, I go home and cry over guys and music. I go home and play with my 2 year old nephew. I see an elderly person sitting alone and feel like crying. I smile at random people at the store. I tell my family I love them numerous times a day and every night before bed because I’m terrified of something happening and me not being able to say it again. I watch a inspirational video and bawl my eyes out. I think of things that happened in the past at night and get sad. I see someone who is lonely or nervous, fiddling with their finger and I feel like crying and hugging them. I am such a genuine, nice, warm hearted person on the inside, but I feel like I can’t show that because if I do I might get hurt again. 
I want people to see the real me.

Sunday Funday

Hiiiiiiii guysssss :) So I realize it's quite easy for people to get bored and if you're like me and socially awkward, the internet is your only way of entertainment. So I put together 5 sites that you can go on to have fun or play games. Enjoyyy :)

1. Friv:

Friv is a small game site that has numerous small online games that are anywhere from beauty&makeovers to action&racing. I, myself have used this website alot to play games when I'm bored. 

2. Addicting Games:

This isn't exactly the greatest of all gaming sites, but there are still some pretty cool things to play. 

3. Miniclip:

Miniclip was one of my favorite websites as a kid. I think a lot of people have heard of it, but if not go check it out there are tons of varieties of games to play.

4. Tumblr:

I'm pretty sure most everybody has heard of this, it's another sort of 'blogging' site, although a lot of people use it in other ways as well, for fandoms, to talk to friends, post things, etc. Once you get the hang of it and really get involved, Tumblr is a cool site to be a part of, but I must warn you, it's easy to get obsessed. 

5. Twitter:

Again, I'm sure everyone has heard of this as well and while it's not a gaming site, it's quite enjoyable to use. Get on there, follow people, look up your fav celebs, talk to other fans, and I'm sure you can pass the time. 

So there you go ! A short list of websites you can go on to keep yourself from dying of boredom.